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CultureTalk System
With the application of CultureTalk, we can turn culture into a tangible and powerful business tool. This two-survey, one-framework system closes the gap between individual potential, team performance, and organizational strategy. Additionally, its profiles can be activated across your organizational ecosystem and  talent lifecycle (see image above). Are you ready to learn more? Read on!

Every CultureTalk engagement has three steps:

  • Measure (the survey);
  • Validate (the foundational consulting engagement for both surveys); and
  • Activate (see the CultureTalk in Action Wheel for various ways to activate the results of said profiles).

Of additional note, there are five principles to account for for maximum effectiveness in any organizational culture engagement:

  1. Frame – you need a common language to lead an effective culture conversation. This system uses Archetypes.
  2. Measure – additionally, you need an effective tool to measure against that framework.
  3. Scale – in addition, you need to integrate results consistently across the organizational ecosystem and talent lifecycle (See CultureTalk Activation Wheel).
  4. Sustain – and, you need to know that “checking the culture box” isn’t enough. Your efforts need to be sincere and be kept alive through ongoing engagements and lived commitments over time. No canned trainings!
  5. Share – lastly, your results should be visually engaging, fun to share, and sticky. They should help an organization or individual tell a compelling story. And, they should be easily shared on social media!

Let's Connect

Are you interested in learning more about CultureTalk and how it can be utilized to help you solve your business’ most pressing problems? Let’s connect. Visit to schedule a discovery call or email us at

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